Top cloud computing trends in 2022 and how it benefits you

Author: Sara Sharma
May 23, 2022
Top cloud computing trends in 2022 and how it benefits you


Being an exceptional business leader demands prioritizing customers' demands, from anticipating and solving the pain points of end-users to securing their data. Everything should be streamlined.

Cloud technologies have been on an upward trajectory for a decade. Many companies have adopted cloud technologies in recent years.

The outcome?

Companies have witnessed massive growth and efficiency.

96% of the organizations have adopted cloud services. If you have also empowered your business with cloud technology, then you must be aware of the latest cloud technology trends.

We are in the midst of a digital revolution where technologies are constantly evolving. It is hard to stay on top of things.

So, what are the latest cloud trends in 2022? Good Question!

Don't worry! We have got everything covered. We have compiled a list of top cloud trends in 2022.

Together let's have a closer look at the top cloud trends for 2022 and what you need to know to keep your business atop in the dynamically evolving world of cloud technology.

We will start by defining what a cloud is and how it works.

Spoiler alert: It is NOT cloudy!

What is a cloud?

This cloud is different from the clouds you see in the sky except for the functions.

No, we are serious.

The clouds in the sky store water droplets, and this cloud stores data on the internet.

'The cloud' refers to the expansive network of solitary servers that can be accessed over the internet.

The cloud is not a physical entity as it is present on the internet and operates as a single ecosystem.

The servers are designed to be leveraged to store data and run applications.

What are the different types of cloud computing services adopted by companies?

Generally, three types of cloud computing services are dominating the IT industry, and they are;

1. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)

SaaS is a software-based service that refers to cloud-based software that a company hosts.

This cloud service model is delivered to the buyers via the internet and is available on a subscription basis.

2. PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)

PaaS is developed for developers and encompasses a framework that they could use to build apps.

It is not delivered as software on the internet; instead, it is available as a platform.

3. IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)

IaaS is a cloud-based service that delivers resources to organizations virtually.

IaaS tools help organizations to build and manage servers, operating systems, data storage, and networks without any hardware.

For more details on IaaS Vs. PaaS Vs. SaaS, click here.

Cloud trends 2022: What to expect? [Detailed Guide]

Cloud technologies are evolving, and so are the cloud strategies.

Cloud trends in 2022 are revolutionizing how organizations will grow and shape in the coming years.

Here is a list of recent trends in cloud computing:

Trend #1 Emergence of Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Infrastructure

One of the prominent cloud trends in 2022 will be the emergence of hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure. This trend is the beginning of future cloud computing technologies as it serves different requirements.

As of now, cloud computing is confined to software, infrastructure, and platform. Now it has numerous service models like hybrid & multi-channel infrastructure.

Hybrid cloud adoption will increase by 39% in the coming five years. These cloud delivery models are pivotal in shaping the future IT landscape.

Trend #2 Reinforced Cloud Security & Compliance

27% of organizations have faced a cyberattack on the cloud. The increased cyberattacks on the cloud are a major concern for organizations worldwide.

Therefore, the companies need to adopt cloud security measures. Data and security compliance should be reinforced in future cloud computing technologies to overcome risks.

Trend #3 Increase in Cloud gaming

Heard about it? Well, this is an interesting cloud technology trend of 2022.

The worldwide cloud gaming market is anticipated to reach $56.67 billion by 2027.

The Cloud industry will witness an outbreak of cloud gaming. Platforms like Amazon Luna and Google Stadia are determined to work in the cloud gaming realm.

AR and VR gaming can be the future of cloud computing, and we should get ready for this trend.

Trend #4 Edge Computing Approach

Edge computing is an alternative to computing. This approach refers to storing data in a different cloud environment. It is an emerging cloud trend in 2022 and involves building localized data centers to store gathered data.

This type of approach will decrease the time consumption during transferring data and can be an amazing enabler for companies looking for operational efficiency.

Trend #5 AI enforced into cloud computing

AI is shaping the cloud software trend as cloud computing and Artificial intelligence share a mutual relationship. Combining both enables the organizations to unlock efficiency with security.

AI will help the cloud to manage the data, whereas the cloud will do constant backups to secure the data in the virtual environment.

Trend #6 More Sustainable Approach Towards a Green Cloud

Environmental issues are a big concern to the world right now. Many enterprises are focusing on growing environmentally friendly technology. Therefore, a sustainable environment should be a cloud trend in 2022.

Data centers consume electricity in huge amounts. Therefore, the power, infrastructure, and cool requirements for these data centers need to be sustainable to make cloud computing sustainable and a part of the future.

Companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are tackling the issue in their own ways and contributing to creating a green and sustainable cloud.

Trend #7 Serverless cloud computing technologies

Serverless cloud technology is the future of cloud computing. It will help you streamline the workload by automating mundane company tasks.

Integrating serverless cloud technology gives the business leaders a whim to be more flexible in terms of storage and bandwidth.

By 2026 serverless technologies will grow by 22.6%, which means companies are adopting serverless cloud technology at a rapid rate.

Trend #8 Public Cloud Continues To rising

The public cloud computing market is projected to cross $800 billion by the end of 2025. Cloud adoption is the priority of IT leaders, and as a result, enterprises are increasingly spending on public clouds.

Trend #9 Alternative vendors will gain momentum

Organizations are increasingly looking at alternative vendor marketplaces like Google cloud, AWS, Salesforce, etc., as they are less expensive and easily scalable.

Small businesses that can't bear the cost of hiring a certified developer or have fewer requirements are more prone to look for alternatives.

Trend #10 Niche-specific cloud ecosystem will expand

Niche-specific cloud ecosystems will be a popular cloud trend in 2022. The banking and education sector has been a little slow in adopting the cloud.

However, with the shift in the marketplace, more and more businesses are thinking of approaching the cloud.

With this sudden shift, vendors realize that one size doesn't fit all.

Industry-specific clouds are being offered by customizing the applications.

Why should organizations adopt cloud computing services?

Organizations need flexible solutions when it comes to securing and maintaining IT resources. Cloud computing services can help your organization to do both.

Here are the key benefits of adopting cloud computing services:

1. Improved speed & agility

Installing expensive applications and hardware will not deliver agility in today's marketplace. However, migrating to cloud computing services will do.

Cloud computing services will not only deliver you agility but will also accelerate the velocity with which you will provide services.

2. Opens the gateway to various services

Various cloud computing services are offered to ensure that all types of requirements are met. Cloud computing includes three services: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.

Organizations can pick services and create solutions as per their requirement.

3. Scalability

Scalability is the driving force to grow an organization successfully. It takes a lot of decision-making and planning to expand the company's IT infrastructure.

However, adopting cloud computing services can remove all the tedious work by providing effective solutions. With cloud platforms, scalability becomes flexible and quicker without fluctuating the working bandwidth.

4. Automatic software updates and integrations

Updating the company's systems requires a lot of time and effort. In a nutshell, it is a tiresome task. However, by adopting cloud computing services, this process becomes automatic and, most importantly, hassle-free.

What will be the future of the cloud?

The future of cloud computing appears to be limitless. Many organizations are facilitating cloud services for innovation and cost savings.

However, due to the dynamic architecture of the digital landscape, it is obvious that new cloud trends will continue to emerge.

Industry leaders like Toobler help organizations to implement best cloud practices and transform their cloud adoption journey.

Want to see how Toobler can help your organization with cloud services? Click here to talk to one of our cloud experts today. Request a free demo today!