Being the pivot of web applications’ front-end, Angularjs is rated up above the rest frameworks. Over these few years since its origin in 2009, Angularjs has gained a wide range of popularity. You might be on the way of implementing your idea and might haven’t heard much about Angularjs since it’s open source. For God sake, there are much you have to know about Angular and how powerful the tool is in creating things out.
What is Angularjs?
AngularJS aka Angular is an open-source web application framework to develop single-page applications. The framework is developed by Brat Tech LLC, Google and community of of individual developers. Angular is basically developed in order to address the challenges faced in single-page web applications.
Why Angular is highly preferred by developers is because it’s structured allowing them to
modify the way they want to write and rewrite the applications. Since it’s structural, one can easily find out the route and write things accordingly. Templating, filters, and two-way data-binding are some of its built-in features.
For novice developers and baby entrepreneurs, I really would like to explain what all are not Angularjs in order to give a detailed idea about the same. Angularjs is neither a JavaScript library nor a platform. It’s not a language either, not a plugin or a browser extension.
Features of Angularjs over the rest frameworks
Angularjs certainly downsize the stress of a developer, and saves a lot of time, and thus converts writing codes simpler than ever before. But, it’s just a thread or theme of this awesome frameworks. Of course, it’s much more and vast. Let’s explore.
AngularJS MVC Architecture
Model–view–controller (MVC) is basically a software architectural pattern for implementing user interfaces. Frameworks usually develop MVC. You will have to split the app into MVC components. After that, you need to write code in order to bind the splitted components. This is in fact a double task. But, what Angular does is it implements MVC and letting you to split the app into MVC components. And the rest will be done by Angular itself. Here Angular manages the MVC components letting you free. The other interesting part is that developer won’t get tempted to write shortcuts since Angular act as a mediator, which will make coding reliable.
Two-way data binding
The simplicity of Angular is here. The two-way data binding lets automatic updates done. That is, when the model changes, it impacts the view in real time and changes reflect within no time. Being one of the highlighted and the most useful features of Angular, it helps saving from writing a good amount of boiler-plate code.
No limits for HTML. HTML are very much popular for building static websites. But, when it comes to developing a dynamic website, HTML has a lot of limitations and it eventually fails. But, via Directives Angular boosts HTML and ensures additional functionalities breaking all the boundaries and giving infinite possibilities while development.
Angularjs works under different divided modules, which gives a good hand for developers to write codes structured and perfectly. With modules web application is divided into reusable, functional and small components which can be integrated with other web applications.
Plain old HTML containing specific Angular elements and attributes are the Angular.JS templates. The templates are mainly useful in showcasing the information via model and controller. It gives a good workflow between designers and developers. While designers can mark their HTML, the developers are free to take up the task and work on functionality via binding within no time.
Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection is something like a software platform where components join and depend each other. With this dependency injection mechanism developers can easily work by dividing Angular.Js app into different components by which the components work depending each other will give a better result.
Major websites developed using Angular.js by Toobler
Shopbox UK
Shopbox UK is a price comparison search engine that compares prices of millions products across thousands of products for the end user. The key idea of MeltBrands, the makers of Shopbox UK, is ensure the best price available for every product which is available online.
Apps Business Store
Apps Business Store is a team of developers who help small and medium-sized entrepreneurs building native mobile and tab applications for their business needs. And thus helping them to reach the majority of customers via mobile and tablets in all popular OS platforms.
Bravo is a survey web application, where you can take surveys irrespective of nature and category.